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Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Hello Darlin'

It's nice to see's been a long time....My Mema just loves Conway Twitty. I don't know if it was the poufy hair or the seventies denim outfits- but she always loved to play his records (yep, records) on her turntable. We used to see him on HeeHaw. On Saturday nights at 7 p.m. Anybody feeling this?

I digress....summer has come and gone. School is back in session- in our second full week and it's great! My sweet girl has bronchitis though- our first illness for the year...starting off with a bang! Her poor I sit at home with her today taking care of her. Nothing compares to this. Just being Mama.

This is torture for her..just sitting around doing nothing. She wants to dance, sing, choreograph...she's so creative. Here's a picture of something she created recently. She used the inserts to some old rain boots and some of those stretchy headbands. Who knows? Maybe she'll be a famous designer some day.

But the best thing of all happened Sunday...even though she was feeling yucky- we got dressed and went to church for this.

Sweet Girl received her Bible. Third graders went down to the altar- we stood behind her while the preacher explained how special this was. He even showed his actual Bible he was given as a third grader. This weekend we have a lock-in at the church for the third graders and not only is Red going- we are chaperoning. What?! It brings back memories of going to Palmyra Road Methodist Church with my friends Kristy and Marnie. Those were good times. But now I am one of the adults. Sleeping on a gym floor...and I am 39. Guess I should thank all of those sweet people from back in the day. Until next time...

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Ain't No Sunshine....

So this will be one of those catch-up rambling type posts- so beware and click out now if you can't handle that...LOL

First of all, if the ATL doesn't get dried up soon I am going to need Vitamin D supplements STAT and a tanning bed. The dang Chattahoochee is full of E-Coli (not joking, heard this on the news this morning.) and I feel like I live in Seattle. 

The sun is actually peeping out now and I hope it will dry up the fields. Red wants to play some soccer this week (and we do too!). Speaking of soccer, hubs is the coach. He really cracks me up when he coaches. Normally he is a very calm person but full of personality, mind you. Something happens when the game is going on...he gets a little overexcited and blurts out things like, "Just run her over!" and "Hello, Pink?? Is anybody out there?" (We are the Pink Panthers this year.)  He's REALLY a sweet, loving man...I guess he just gets so into it...It's hilarious. I try and laugh it off. Sometimes I just shake my head. It's one of those moments of "Did I just think that, or say it out loud?" I do love him for coaching her. It's (usually) a very sweet time of Daddy-Daughter interaction. He even sprayed his hair HOT PINK when the Pink Panthers won a game! Now, that's dedication. Bless his heart.

This past weekend we were invited to Red's sweet, precious friend's first communion at the beautiful Catholic church up the road from our house. Red's friend A is a doll-baby, and her parents are some of our best friends here in the ATL. A's parents are so sweet and fun- we felt we had known them forever right when we met them. They are just good people. Hubs and I felt so honored to be invited and included in this special day for A. Here's a pic of the two- peas in a pod.

Red and A are so cute together. They just giggle and giggle. One time I overheard a conversation between them. It went something like this. 

Red: You know, A we are really like twins. Well, more like the same person.
A: Yeah, I mean we have the same swim suit and everything.
Red: And we like the same things...and we think the same things are funny.
A: And you can pick on me and I can pick on you. And it's ok. Yep, we are like sisters.

Also, my Red thinks she has ALWAYS known A. (We only moved to Atlanta going on two years ago.) But A was her first friend she made when she came to visit and shadow the first time at our school. So she thinks they've always been friends. Bless. (Note the crazy face on Red- she calls it her Flynn Rider face...from Tangled.)

So on a totally unrelated note, I caught a pic of this hilariousness in the drive-thru at Chik-fil-a the other's a classic. Cat lovers beware. This is over the top. 

My first thought was....Hoarders. Have you seen this show? It's disturbing but a bit like a train wreck. This is a psychological disorder, so I am not making fun or minimizing this...but it's the most fascinating thing ever. People, some who even work and have social lives, live in unsanitary and unbelievable situations. I watched one episode where a lady had so many cats there were some who'd lived out their 9 lives....still in the house....and she didn't dispose of them....what? So, if this is someone's car you know....I hope they aren't on Hoarders. Bless.

Tonight is the school art show and a little mini-musical for Red and her classmates. It'll be a cute thing I am sure. One of those moments when you watch your child and feel all mushy inside. I love those moments. God sure is good. 

So keep it classy friends...even if you have 13 cats.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Easter...expectations and reality...

Well, it's April now y'all- April's Fool's Day was Monday and I officially confess I am terrible at April Fool's jokes. Monday morning I quickly wrote something up on my homework board for my homeroom.  I wrote "50 states and capitals test tomorrow"---as they came in and started to question me, I used my best poker face and said, "Well, we have studied them all and I told you I would be testing you." Then one student told another she thought it was an April Fool's joke. That's when I started to crumble. That's all it took. One person calling me out- and I folded.

Reminds me of our honeymoon trip to Negril, Jamaica- we went to the market and Hubs told me to try out my bargaining skills. The man was selling those colorful (made in China) bracelets. He said $3.00. I said "How about $2.50?" He said "ok, if you buy 3." I did it. Yep, put a sucker sticker on my forehead.

So, as I write this post...know that it does not include any April Fool's jokes. Because I am no good at them. At all.
I have no April Fool's game.

Easter has come and gone. So quickly...there are some things I realized and wanted to write about. I had some expectations that didn't become reality. But to give myself some credit, here are some things that DID happen.

  • My mama came up to see Red play soccer and go to church with us. Here's a picture of the two of them. They are peas in a pod. People used to call Red a "Mini-Mimi". They are both Sport Models! I will explain more on this picture later...

  • Our family was together at our wonderful church. (see more on this below) The message was POWERFUL. The music was amazing- really amazing. He is RISEN...He is RISEN INDEED! Here's my little family in our Easter finery. More on this picture later too. LOL.

  • We had a nice lunch together at our house before Mama headed south again.
  • I made deviled eggs for me and Mama, which Hubs can't stand.
  • Red was excited about the Easter bunny! This is BIG- as I will explain later!
Now, on to the things that DID NOT happen or came out on the minus side..... (i.e. the things I wanted to happen, but didn't.)
  • I didn't buy my Mama that Easter lily corsage I meant to get...this is sort of-kind-of a tradition. Her mama used to like them, so she likes them.
  • Hubs and I both forgot our phones/cameras. So- the above pictures are all we have. That expression on Red's face is cracking me up. Not exactly the cutest or most complimentary....but it's a picture nonetheless. We had to use my Mama's cell phone.
  • As for our family picture...I look like a giant because Hubs stood on the street and I was up on the curb. But Mama bought me and Caroline our new Easter finery so we were excited. Poor Hubs needs some new duds. He did look dapper in his bow tie though ;)
  • We didn't have sweet relish to put in my deviled eggs- I am a sweet relish girl. Hubs said to use dill relish- he said they were the same! How dare he?? I also couldn't find my egg plate given to me by my
  • It was our 2nd Easter in the ATL, but our 1st at our new church...(which I do love!) Last year we went down to our old church to the egg hunt. (Note: this is the "old church" I will always consider my home church, I get weepy when I drive by it, I love the people there, feels like home, etc. sob story....waa, waaa)
  • I didn't even get out my Easter decorations this year. Fail. I also couldn't find the Easter napkins.
  • I missed seeing the rest of my family- Daddy, B, my sisters and their families, my brother and his family, my nieces and nephews, aunts, uncles, and cousins, and my Mema...I missed Mema's sweet tea. 
  • I didn't get to add some other special little things in the basket for Red. I meant to...but ran out of time. But as I said above, her being excited about the E.B. is a BIG thing. She is so funny...she has been questioning Santa, E.B., the Tooth Fairy, etc. for a few years now. Side story: When we went to Disney, she was five years old. As we stood at the base of the magical castle, we awaited the descent of Tinkerbell. It was January, so the night was a little chilly but the sky was clear....the music was playing, the lights were was pure magic. Then the lights go out...I was so excited...and as Tinkerbell comes flying down to the ground right above us, I say to Red, "Look, look! It's magic...look who's flying down! It's Tinkerbell!" Red turns to me and says in her very matter-of-fact tone, "Mama, she's not flying. Don't you see that wire? She's on a wire. Oh, Mama", and she rolled her eyes. Yep. that's my girl. I cried on the way back to our hotel that night. I just wished she had a little more time before she saw things like that wire.
So...if you are still reading...I write all of this to explain that even though there were expectations (and I admit they were expectations I had for myself- no one else was holding me to these) and some were not was still a GOOD day. Why? Because of those bullet points up at the top. And that I even had bullet points.
Hello! He is RISEN. 

That is enough. 

It doesn't really matter that Hubs didn't have a new shirt, or that Red didn't smile her best smile in the picture, or that I look like a giant in our family pic. It doesn't matter that there was no relish, or that I didn't decorate. What matters is that God is my Heavenly Father and that Death did not win! 

What matters is Grace. Pure and Simple. Grace. Undeserved. Unpaid. Grace.

It's a long journey for me...the one to the place where I am really ok with all of those "didn'ts" and "should'ves" up there. One thing is for sure though...the closer I get to that place- the happier I am. But I still won't use dill relish.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Bags of Gold...and Reality TV.

So there's a Master and 3 servant was given one bag of gold, the second servant was given 2 bags, and the last servant was given 5 bags of gold, each according to his ability. The Master was going on a journey, and left the gold with his servants- entrusting them with HIS wealth. (Book of Matthew)

Here's what happened next:
The servant with one bag of gold buried his. 
The servant with two bags worked and gained two more bags.
The servant with five bags worked hard and doubled his bags.

Most of you probably know the rest of the story....
The Master told the second and third they had done well. He probably gave them a job and a bonus.
The first servant, the scared one who buried the bag in his backyard, was scolded. The Master called him lazy and gave the man with ten bags his measly one bag.

This was our lesson yesterday in Sunday school. We had a great discussion about it. It really stirred me, and made me think. 

One friend said, "Wasn't that punishment a little harsh for the man who buried it? I mean, at least he didn't lose it all!"
(My thought was...couldn't the Master have given the bag to the guy who only had two...I mean throw the guy a bone...)

Another friend explained it like this....those bags could represent something else besides money. Let's say it was a plot of land. A man gives you a plot of his land for a year. He comes back after a year and you've done NOTHING.  NADA. ZILCH. You haven't watered it. You haven't weeded it. It's full of weeds, dried out dirt, trash from the nearby road, and anthills. The man is furious. He can't believe you wasted a whole year. You could've done so much with that land. You could've planted something! You could've leased it to someone else and made a profit! You could have even let someone use it so it would at least have been productive! Nothing! Lazy! Terrible!

Here's a point for discussion: Notice in the parable that the Master gave the servants bags of gold based on their abilities to handle it. So maybe I haven't experienced great "worldly wealth-dollar bills" because I can't handle it well? Thoughts? Ideas? Maybe I shouldn't even think that way- it's up to God. Or maybe I haven't always taken the opportunities and listened to what God wanted me to do!
You know that saying..."To whom much is given, much is expected."

Or maybe you could think of the bags of gold as something else...potential.
This makes me think about something I tell my students often (and I have said this MANY times over my teaching career.) You have to use what God has given you. The saddest thing to waste is your mind. The most frustrating student is the one who has the ability but won't put in the effort! You know what I mean....there's a million ways to say it. 

My friend Gavin was teaching yesterday and he shared a staggering statistic from a magazine he found. I won't quote it directly and I don't put too much weight into these surveys- but I do think this was probably pretty true. It said that on average most Americans only spent 7 minutes a day doing some kind of Volunteerism or Religious Activity.  Made me think about how I spend my time. Am I using my God-given gifts and talents as God intended? Am I allowing God to use me as He sees fit? Am I wasting time and energy doing things that do not further his kingdom? Or am I wasting time doing things that are self-defeating or don't benefit my health or my family's happiness? The answer is yes and no. I think we have to give ourselves credit. Baby steps people. I do good things. And I watch a little too much reality TV sometimes. We can't all go to Zimbabwe and build orphanages. But what I CAN do is be more INTENTIONAL with my time. I can stop wasting time doing things like....
WORRYING about the future.
BEING UPSET about the past.
STRESSING about today.

My goal is to do one thing each day that is more intentional...and just keep going. Hopefully I will have so many intentional things that they'll push those other things out of the way. 

So go and have an intentional day...and yes, I will still watch my reality TV tonight.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Ever felt Unglued?

Happy March, folks....
Time is flying by. Easter is right around the corner, then Spring Break, then the countdown to Summer Break is on. Since I am a teacher...I have a soft spot for the last one of course.

As the windy, unpredictable weather of March comes and goes...I find myself snuggling up with good books- and like I said in my last post I would be giving you some more book recommendations. 

My latest good read came to me while looking through the shelves at the library. I actually liked the title first. Then when I saw the cover I knew this book was probably speaking my language. I was in the "Self-Help" section...Yes, I said "Self-Help". I used to think that was something I wouldn't read but I have found SOME books to be very encouraging. Lately I have found myself needing more motivation and encouragement. It seems to be very easy to be my "own worst critic" and be too hard on myself. Anyone relate? As a working mom and wife, I tend to try and juggle lots of hats in the air. I then find myself falling short of my own expectations (of course- who doesn't?) and begin to struggle with self-doubt. So...I landed on this book...

Whoa...this girl is good...and I love the cover. I have SO felt like screaming into my purse. She has written other books, and I WILL be checking them out this weekend. First, let me give you my little review.  Lysa TerKeurst is a mom of 5 (yes, 5) children and faces many of the same fears and insecurities I have. She talks in an open and honest way that really makes you feel like she's just a girlfriend you could chat with...
Here's a quick run-down, in my own words, of what she discusses on dealing with emotions and feelings:
Women who explode then shame themselves
Women who explode then shame others
Women who stuff (their emotions) and build barriers
Women who stuff (their emotions) but collect retaliation rocks

So here's a really good quote from the book for you:
"Feelings are indicators, not dictators." Lysa TerKeurst
Love. It. Writing it on an index card tonight.

Relate to anything there? I am telling you- she is good. There were times while reading this book I thought she was reading my mind. But the best part of all? She uses biblical principles throughout to teach and reinforce what she's saying. So she's not just blowing hot air, people. 
Here are some other titles she's written: 
Made to Crave
Becoming More Than a Good Bible Study Girl

(I am not getting paid by her- just a fan of this book.)

So maybe you have it all together. Maybe you never feel discouraged, overworked, insecure, overwhelmed, or compare yourself to others. Maybe you never raise your voice at your children, ever. Maybe you always cook balanced, nutritious meals from your fully organic garden in your manicured yard. Well...if so- I am proud and give me a call. I need some advice. If you are anything like me, you might just like this book.

So that's all for this time friends...hoping you find a purse big enough to scream in...if you need it.

Friday, February 15, 2013

Unique and Sparkly...

Calling all my girls out there- mamas and future mamas- readers and non-readers- teenagers and mamas of teenagers-do I have some books for you!

So in my downtime of following 20 or so blogs, I have been following a funny and faith-filled lady named Annie Downs. Here's her blog. So, I started following her- I don't even remember how. She wrote a book- 

I was curious- so I ordered it from Amazon. I LOVED it. I laughed. I cried. It's one of those books that you WISHED you had read, or someone had given you, in high school..or middle school. I thought about my own daughter and how I want her to read it in a few years. So I gave it to a friend of mine whose daughter was about to start high school. Then, long story short, I found out Annie knows a great friend of mine from childhood! She's good people. I just know it. So then she was doing a give-away. That's what people in blog world do. Maybe one day I will do it too. 

So anyway, I signed up to win a book written by another awesome blog writer, Melanie Shankle from Big Mama. She is presh. So anyway...drumroll...I won! Yep, I sure did. So I received my autographed copy in the mail this week! Here's where you can
Order Sparkly Green Earrings from Amazon

Yeah me! Actually, yeah friends o' mine cause now they get to pass around the other copy I had already bought on the day it hit the shelves. I spent about an hour finding this book in the ATL...then put it on hold...made the fam come with me to buy it! You can see I really wanted it! And it did NOT disappoint. Melanie's writing is honest, easy to read (I didn't want it to end!), relatable, and her only child's name is the same is my girl's!! What? Yep, I felt she was talking to me the whole time. Not in a creepy way, but in a God way. So, this blog world is really interesting. I hope you'll order or find one of these books- or both- or borrow one from me. They are fresh and comforting- each in their own way. Stay tuned for more book recs in the future...keep it sparkly.

It's Histree....

There's lots to be thankful for today.
It's Friday.
It's the last day of testing for my students.
We have a WEEK off next week.
I have candy in my desk from Valentine's Day.
I sold almost every extra box of Girl Scout cookies I ordered.
My girl had History (Histree) Day today and she was the best red-headed Pocahontas I've ever seen.
Side bar: So the reason I call it Histree is because of my Daddy. Here's a funny story. I am from South Georgia. Sooowwth Gaawga ya'll. So my Daddy always like to tell Red stories about "histree"- history for you folks who like unsweetened tea. He and my sweet stepmom traveled up north a few months ago and visited Gettysburg. So my Daddy brought back a rock from the battle grounds. I am pretty sure that's a felony. So don't tell anyone. But anyway... He gave one to my nephew- who is 11 and loves Histree. (He LOVED it and showed it to his friends.) He also gave one to Red. She thought it was....a rock. She didn't get it. She didn't see the "histree" behind it. So, I always think of that rock and laugh. I picture my Daddy telling Red, "Let me tell you a story- it's Histree you see.." and Red just rolling her eyes. 
As I was watching her present her speech on Pocahontas, I heard the quiver in her voice, and I could tell she was nervous. I am sure it was hard to do, in front of her friends and all of their parents. There was even one of the ladies from the Office of Development there taking pictures while she did her performance. 

I just prayed as she walked up there. I prayed that God would give her the confidence she needed...
the confidence that it's ok to forget a few words or stumble a little....
The confidence that God will catch her when she falls.
That she's not a bad person for making a mistake.
That she doesn't have to be perfect.

Her Daddy and I were sitting there cheesing it up like she was doing her Inauguration Speech. Just so proud of the little lady she's becoming. Proud that God is working in her life. Side note: I am absolutely positive that Pocahontas had an arrow quiver exactly like Red used today... zebra-striped duct tape was all the rage in 1615. Have a sweet weekend- 
Pocahontas' Mama....

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Blog Stalker Turned Blogger

Well...after many, many months of blog stalking I have decided to start my own blog. I guess my husband and I have a lot in common- lots of mindless rhetoric to share to unwilling listeners. Now, you can decide if you want to hear it or not! 

I guess I decided to start this blog for a few reasons....first of all, I am a teacher. There are SO many hilarious things that happen during a school day. So teachers will appreciate the stories and anecdotes I will share. So I will state this disclaimer now, I won't identify any of the students on this blog. Please know that I love children, and will never say anything to embarrass them intentionally. If you know me, you know I am sarcastic- I was born that way. (well actually I am working on it- but it's really hard not to be that way.) So if I ever sound cruel or mean, please know I don't mean it that way. It's a teacher's heart- you love them so much. But you have to laugh some days...or you'll cry and end up working at Wal-mart giving out smiley face stickers. For my past students, they could tell you I have pretended to make the phone call to the HR department of Wal-mart many times out of desperation.

The second reason is I am a mother and a wife. I have read so many things out there in "blog world" that have made me feel so much better about my shortcomings as both wife and mother! So, as you read my posts about my mistakes and failures, I hope you'll find comfort.

Lastly, I am a Christian (these are not in any sort of order-certainly not order of importance...just how my thoughts are flowing.) I struggle on my walk with the Lord, but I always turn back to Him. I don't read the Bible enough- or spend quiet time. But I do know these things- He is the Giver of Life, my Heavenly Father, my Redeemer, my Hope and the Light. I am constantly amazed by His creation- and His love for me. I am blessed beyond my dreams to teach at a Christian school. My daughter, who you will know as Red here on the blog, attends the same school. I am blown away by what she is learning. Above all of the college preparatory material, the higher level thinking skills, and such...there is a deeper and more meaningful learning taking place. Something that readin', writin', and 'rithmetic won't teach her- she is being taught about the love of Jesus Christ. She is taught how to view this crazy foolish world through the eyes of Christ. She learns Bible verses, and I hope one day when she is scared, or lonely, or worried, or anxious, she'll remember one or many of them. She'll feel the crazy love God has for her....

so Happy Valentine's Day. It's been a sugar-filled one for my class. and we had that was interesting. Thank you to whoever decided to plan that. So follow along with me if you'd like. It's a journey folks...and a small world after all.