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Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Hello Darlin'

It's nice to see's been a long time....My Mema just loves Conway Twitty. I don't know if it was the poufy hair or the seventies denim outfits- but she always loved to play his records (yep, records) on her turntable. We used to see him on HeeHaw. On Saturday nights at 7 p.m. Anybody feeling this?

I digress....summer has come and gone. School is back in session- in our second full week and it's great! My sweet girl has bronchitis though- our first illness for the year...starting off with a bang! Her poor I sit at home with her today taking care of her. Nothing compares to this. Just being Mama.

This is torture for her..just sitting around doing nothing. She wants to dance, sing, choreograph...she's so creative. Here's a picture of something she created recently. She used the inserts to some old rain boots and some of those stretchy headbands. Who knows? Maybe she'll be a famous designer some day.

But the best thing of all happened Sunday...even though she was feeling yucky- we got dressed and went to church for this.

Sweet Girl received her Bible. Third graders went down to the altar- we stood behind her while the preacher explained how special this was. He even showed his actual Bible he was given as a third grader. This weekend we have a lock-in at the church for the third graders and not only is Red going- we are chaperoning. What?! It brings back memories of going to Palmyra Road Methodist Church with my friends Kristy and Marnie. Those were good times. But now I am one of the adults. Sleeping on a gym floor...and I am 39. Guess I should thank all of those sweet people from back in the day. Until next time...

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